Reliable Customer Service!

Our mechanics are specially trained and travel in well-fitted repair vehicles, in order to carry out any necessary maintenance or repair work on site.

We keep all spares on stock and we can guarantee our customers of despatch within 24 hours. We assure you of the availability of spare parts for HUMER cemetery technology machines, for as long as you have the machines in use.

Keep costs down with a maintenance contract!

We also offer our customers the option of a maintenance service contract. You can therefore keep your costs low and are sure not to have missed any necessary maintenance or inspection schedules. Furthermore you increase the degree of operational safety and ensure, that your cemetery excavator is always ready for operation.

HUMER Customer Service

Innovatives Team

Unseren Mitarbeitern bieten wir gute Arbeitplätze mit fairer Entlohnung. Wir pflegen eine offene Gesprächskultur mit dem Kernaspekt der Teamarbeit.

Wir schaffen uns genügend Freiraum um kreativ zu sein, rasche Entscheidungen zu treffen, volle Verantwortung zu übernehmen und die Qualität laufend zu kontrollieren.

Der Standard an Ausbildung und Erfahrung, sowie das Interesse an unserer Produktpalette gewährleistet ein hohes Maß an Professionalität, Kreativität und innovativer Kraft.

Picture Franz Humer, Sales Manager
Franz Humer, Sales Manager, +43 (77 35) 70 25