Company: HUMER Friedhofstechnologie
Owner: Franz Erich Humer
Address: A-4672 Bachmanning, Wagnerstraße 3
Telephone: +43 (7735) 7025
Telefax: +43 (7735) 7025 2
VAT-ID No.: ATU68573233
Chamber Membership: Wirtschaftkammer OÖ.
Webdesign: Werbeagentur Sitedesign
Copyrights: All contents of this website are protected by copyright and may neither be used, copied nor distributed without the express written authority of HUMER Friedhofstechnologie.
Exclusion of liability: The information and data presented on this website have been carefully examined. A warranty for completeness, correctness and actuality cannot, however, be taken over; the same applies to and liability for the use of these pages and their contents.